B.K.S. Iyengar (Dec 14, 1918-Aug 20, 2014)
Iyengar Yoga
‘Guruji’, as BKS Iyengar is endearingly called by his pupils, has revolutionized the teaching of yoga both in India and globally. He has travelled, taught and performed yoga demonstrations all over the world and touched and transformed the lives of numerous people. To this day we can learn from him through reading his famous books, and by traveling to the Ramamani Memorial Institute in Pune. We can also learn from the many teachers that have been under his tutelage for many years. The master Guruji represents a direct connection to the ancient practice of yoga. Until August 20, 2014, many of us have been truly fortunate and to be close to his feet when studying and practicing the fine art of Iyengar yoga. Iyengar Yoga is based in a methodical approach that includes: alignment in action, precision, dynamic action, sequencing and timing. It is yoga that is meant for everybody. Through a vast array of props (ropes, bricks, belts..) it is possible for everyone to reap the benefits of the practice of yoga. Daily practice lays the foundation for the absorption of asana from the outer to the inner layers. BKS Iyengar’s teachings have come to us via his lifelong devotion to the study of yoga. He taught only what he practiced and experienced, thus his style of teaching was a profound experiential art. His practical approach led him to translate the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in a way that led his students to a deeper understanding of the true meaning of ashtanga yoga. The integration of the sutras and yoga philosophy in the teaching is an integral part of Iyengar yoga. Today there are many books, publications and research papers available on Iyengar yoga. The vastness and wealth of this information are a tribute to the inspiration that BKS Iyengar has spread so generously all over the world.